Centro Esposizioni | 6900 Lugano | Suisse | Stand D19bis
Horaires d'ouverture de la foire Jeudi 19, vendredi 20, samedi 21 et dimanche 22 Septembre 2019 de 11.00 à 19.00 Entrée : 15 CHF CONTACT WOPART :www.wopart.eu | management@wopart.eu | +39 0522 631042 |+41 765872382 CONTACT GALERIE KELLER : Heidi suter | www.kellergalerie.ch | kellergalerie@sunrise.ch | + 41(0)44 202 09 63 | + 41(0)79 329 58 56
WOPART THE BIODIVERSITY ON PAPER Salon dédié exclusivement aux oeuvres d’art sur papier dont l'édition 2019 est prévue du 19 au 22 septembre à Lugano (Tessin Suisse). Plus de quatre-vingt-dix grandes galeries internationales, spécialisées dans le dessin, les travaux sur papier et la photographie y sont attendues.
En voiture Autoroute A2/E 35, Lugano Sortie Sud, suivre la direction : Lugano-Centre puis la direction Gandria.
Artiste peintre franco-new-yorkais, il vit et travaille aujourd’hui à Besançon. Son travail est exposé internationalement depuis 1990 aux Etats-Unis, en Europe, et en Chine depuis 2016. Il présentera lors de cette nouvelle exposition du WOPART avec la Galerie Keller de Zurich, une dizaine d'œuvres sur papier de grands formats non encadrés de sa série des Large Paper (1.22 x 1.07 m, 2010-2015) choisis par rapport au thème de cette année: la biodiversité ; ainsi qu'une vingtaine de petits travaux sur papier de la série Shakti-Yoni, Ecstatic Cosmic Dances (2018, 25 x 25 cm).
- Le visage de Kamal pâlit. « Ne détruis pas-la maison ? de mon espoir. » Râdhâ au lotus, Tara Shankar Banerji
Les esprits animaux seront largement présents sur le stand de Jean-Pierre Sergent, car c'est un artiste engagé et habité ! Depuis des années il travaille inlassablement pour ressortir et présenter au public des images de rituels oubliés comme le dieu de la pluie et de la foudre maya Chac, inscrit dans l'axis mundi des quatre directions cardinales, placé ainsi au centre d'un monde qu'il insémine ! Il y a aussi des images d'animaux sortis de son imaginaire : des baleines vertes, soixante-neuf oiseaux numérotés roses (chiffre sacré en Inde), deux cerfs bleus grecs, imprimés en miroir… et des jaguars noirs zapotèques habitant l'esprit des chamanes lors de transes extatiques ! L'érotisme sera également là, avec sa nouvelle série fétiche illustrant l'incommensurable énergie féminine de la Shakti-Yoni, du désir et de la passion ! Parce que le sexe régénère le monde, encore, toujours et inlassablement et qu'il enfante toujours de la joie ! Ce n'est qu'après, longtemps après, que la pensée humaine matérialiste et marchande détruit le monde et l'utilise comme poubelle de son aventure d'explorateur maladif et destructeur de toute sagesse humaine. Qui sommes nous pour détruire ainsi l'âme de Monde ? Qui a besoin aujourd'hui d'autant de bêtise ? De cupidité ? De guerres ? De soumissions humaines qui détruisent irrémédiablement notre environnement ? Il nous faut résister ! Les artistes et les chamanes, depuis la nuit des temps humaine, savent très bien le faire ! En espérant qu'une nouvelle « aurore aux doigts de rose », se lève à nouveau ! Et que l'on puisse réentendre encore les oiseaux nous enchanter chaque printemps pour régénérer ce monde qui a tant besoin d'art, de poésie et d'amour ! C'est la vie qu'il nous faut honorer ! En espérant qu'elle continue et perdure ainsi : belle, sauvage et insoumise !
Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.Jean-Pierre Sergent packing twelve Large Paper prints (1,22 x 1,07 m) for the next show at WOPART 2019 (Work on Paper Art Fair | 19-22-2019) in Lugano, Switzerland with the Keller Gallerie from Zurich.
Assistants Christine Chatelet and Jean-François Delamain. Besançon Studio, July 5 th 2019.
Choix et emballage des douze Large Paper (1,22 x 1,07 m) avec Christine Chatelet Jean-François Delamain. atelier de Besançon le 5 juillet 2019.
- 1 - 14, Large Paper, acrylique sérigraphiée sur papier Rives B.F.K, 300g, 1,22 x 1,07 cm, 2014 & 2015. - 15 - 34, Shakti-Yoni, Ecstatic Cosmic Dances, acrylique sérigraphiée et encre de chine sur papier jaune Wang 80g, éditions uniques encadrés, 37,5 x 37 cm, 2018.
View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse. With Heidi & Ida SuterView of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse. With Heidi & Ida SuterView of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse.View of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse. With Antonio CampanileView of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse. With Antonio CampanileView of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse. With Antonio CampanileView of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse. With Antonio CampanileView of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse. With Antonio CampanileView of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse. With artist Cassandra WainhouseView of Jean-Pierre Sergent booth with the Keller Gallery from Zurich directed by Heidi Sutter at Wopart (Work On Paper Art Fair), 19-22 September 2019, Lugano, Suisse. With Babak Baharestani