Jean-Pierre Sergent


Wall installations of paintings on Plexiglas | 1995 - present | France, Switzerland & NYC

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Wall installations of screen-printed paintings on the back of Plexiglas panels (units of 1.05 x 1.05 m) | 1995 - present | France, Switzerland & NYC

Sizes to vary depending on the walls exhibitions spaces.

Since his arriving to his Brooklyn studio's, in 1993, Jean-Pierre Sergent have mainly being showing his work on Plexiglas throughout large monumental walls installations. His Plexiglas panels, 105 x 105 cm, are mounted directly on the wall, side by side, to create arts works specially suited to the different exhibitions spaces. His last installation have been on display at the Besançon Fine-Arts and Archeology Museum in 2019 to 2023, with a total dimension of 80 m2.


2019 - 2023 The Four Pillars Of The Sky, Museum of Fine-Arts and Archeology, Besançon, France
2020 Voluptuousness, Maison Laurentine, Châteauvillain, France
2016 L'artiste est-il un chamane, Contemporary art Center L'aspirateur, Narbonne, France
2012 Nature, Cultures, l'origine des mondes, Ferme Courbet, Flagey, France
2011 Mayan Diary, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Mulhouse, France
2009 MAG 2009, Montreux, Switzerland
2002 Mayan Diary, Taller Boricua Gallery, New York, USA
1998 Suspended Time, French Institute, New York, USA
1997 Sous le Signe de Zorro, Galerie Vivas, Paris, France
1996 Body, Trace, Memory, Eight Floor gallery, New York, USA
1995 68 J Art group Show, Brooklyn, New York, USA