Anciens ateliers de Montréal (1991-1993) & de New York (1993-2003)
view of the studio, 17 february, 1993view of the studio, 1992JPS in his Montreal studio, 1992View from the Montreal studio vindow, 1992Photos of the differents places were Jean-Pierre Sergent had his former studios : ATELIERS DE MONTREAL, BROOKLYN & LONG ISLAND CITY Ã⬠NEW YORK, 1991-2003JPS in front of his large painting, acrylic, newspaper and objects on canvas, 1992, 2,76 x 2,76 m.JPS in front of acrylic, newspaper and objects on canvas, 1992, 2,76 x 2,76 m.JPS in front of acrylic, newspaper and objects on canvas, 1992, 1,67 x 2,76 m.Photos of the differents places were Jean-Pierre Sergent had his former studios : ATELIERS DE MONTREAL, BROOKLYN & LONG ISLAND CITY Ã⬠NEW YORK, 1991-2003Photos of the differents places were Jean-Pierre Sergent had his former studios : ATELIERS DE MONTREAL, BROOKLYN & LONG ISLAND CITY Ã⬠NEW YORK, 1991-2003Photos of the differents places were Jean-Pierre Sergent had his former studios : ATELIERS DE MONTREAL, BROOKLYN & LONG ISLAND CITY Ã⬠NEW YORK, 1991-2003Photos of the differents places were Jean-Pierre Sergent had his former studios : ATELIERS DE MONTREAL, BROOKLYN & LONG ISLAND CITY Ã⬠NEW YORK, 1991-2003Photos of the differents places were Jean-Pierre Sergent had his former studios : ATELIERS DE MONTREAL, BROOKLYN & LONG ISLAND CITY Ã⬠NEW YORK, 1991-2003Photos of the differents places were Jean-Pierre Sergent had his former studios : ATELIERS DE MONTREAL, BROOKLYN & LONG ISLAND CITY Ã⬠NEW YORK, 1991-2003Photos of the differents places were Jean-Pierre Sergent had his former studios : ATELIERS DE MONTREAL, BROOKLYN & LONG ISLAND CITY Ã⬠NEW YORK, 1991-2003Photos of the differents places were Jean-Pierre Sergent had his former studios : ATELIERS DE MONTREAL, BROOKLYN & LONG ISLAND CITY Ã⬠NEW YORK, 1991-2003Photos of the differents places were Jean-Pierre Sergent had his former studios : ATELIERS DE MONTREAL, BROOKLYN & LONG ISLAND CITY Ã⬠NEW YORK, 1991-2003Photos of the differents places were Jean-Pierre Sergent had his former studios : ATELIERS DE MONTREAL, BROOKLYN & LONG ISLAND CITY Ã⬠NEW YORK, 1991-2003Photos of the differents places were Jean-Pierre Sergent had his former studios : ATELIERS DE MONTREAL, BROOKLYN & LONG ISLAND CITY Ã⬠NEW YORK, 1991-2003Photos of the differents places were Jean-Pierre Sergent had his former studios : ATELIERS DE MONTREAL, BROOKLYN & LONG ISLAND CITY Ã⬠NEW YORK, 1991-2003Photos of the differents places were Jean-Pierre Sergent had his former studios : ATELIERS DE MONTREAL, BROOKLYN & LONG ISLAND CITY Ã⬠NEW YORK, 1991-2003Photos of the differents places were Jean-Pierre Sergent had his former studios : ATELIERS DE MONTREAL, BROOKLYN & LONG ISLAND CITY Ã⬠NEW YORK, 1991-2003Photos of the differents places were Jean-Pierre Sergent had his former studios : ATELIERS DE MONTREAL, BROOKLYN & LONG ISLAND CITY Ã⬠NEW YORK, 1991-2003Photos of the differents places were Jean-Pierre Sergent had his former studios : ATELIERS DE MONTREAL, BROOKLYN & LONG ISLAND CITY Ã⬠NEW YORK, 1991-2003Photos of the differents places were Jean-Pierre Sergent had his former studios : ATELIERS DE MONTREAL, BROOKLYN & LONG ISLAND CITY Ã⬠NEW YORK, 1991-2003Photos of the differents places were Jean-Pierre Sergent had his former studios : ATELIERS DE MONTREAL, BROOKLYN & LONG ISLAND CITY Ã⬠NEW YORK, 1991-2003Photos of the differents places were Jean-Pierre Sergent had his former studios : ATELIERS DE MONTREAL, BROOKLYN & LONG ISLAND CITY Ã⬠NEW YORK, 1991-2003Photos of the differents places were Jean-Pierre Sergent had his former studios : ATELIERS DE MONTREAL, BROOKLYN & LONG ISLAND CITY Ã⬠NEW YORK, 1991-2003Photos of the differents places were Jean-Pierre Sergent had his former studios : ATELIERS DE MONTREAL, BROOKLYN & LONG ISLAND CITY Ã⬠NEW YORK, 1991-2003Jean-Pierre Sergent's Studio in Dumbo, Brooklyn, USA, photo by Kathryn Drake, 1994View of the Brooklyn studio, december 1993.View of the Brooklyn studio, december 1993.View of the Brooklyn studio, december 1993.View of the Brooklyn studio, december 1993.Photos of the differents places were Jean-Pierre Sergent had his former studios : ATELIERS DE MONTREAL, BROOKLYN & LONG ISLAND CITY Ã⬠NEW YORK, 1991-2003Jean-Pierre in his Chelsea studio, NY, 1996, photo by François PortmannStudio Chelsea/96, photo by François Portmann1996, Chelsea studio, 214 West 29th street, New YorkA party with some friends and familly, 1996, in the Chelsea studio,view of Long island city, Queens, on the roof of the Long Island City studio, 27-26 Jackson avenueView of the Long Island studio, 1998.View of the Long Island studio, 1998.View of the Long Island studio, 1998.View of the Long Island studio, 1998.View of a Plexiglas installation at the LIC studio, 2002Portraits of artist Jean-Pierre Sergent at work by Sachie Kumano, LIC Studio, NY, July 2003Portraits of artist Jean-Pierre Sergent at work by Sachie Kumano, LIC Studio, NY, July 2003Portraits of artist Jean-Pierre Sergent at work by Sachie Kumano, LIC Studio, NY, July 2003Portraits of artist Jean-Pierre Sergent at work by Sachie Kumano, LIC Studio, NY, July 2003Portraits of artist Jean-Pierre Sergent at work by Sachie Kumano, LIC Studio, NY, July 2003Portraits of artist Jean-Pierre Sergent at work by Sachie Kumano, LIC Studio, NY, July 2003Portraits of artist Jean-Pierre Sergent at work by Sachie Kumano, LIC Studio, NY, July 2003Portraits of artist Jean-Pierre Sergent at work by Sachie Kumano, LIC Studio, NY, July 2003Portraits of artist Jean-Pierre Sergent at work by Sachie Kumano, LIC Studio, NY, July 2003Portraits of artist Jean-Pierre Sergent at work by Sachie Kumano, LIC Studio, NY, July 2003Portraits of artist Jean-Pierre Sergent at work by Sachie Kumano, LIC Studio, NY, July 2003Portraits of artist Jean-Pierre Sergent at work by Sachie Kumano, LIC Studio, NY, July 2003Portraits of artist Jean-Pierre Sergent at work by Sachie Kumano, LIC Studio, NY, July 2003Portraits of artist Jean-Pierre Sergent at work by Sachie Kumano, LIC Studio, NY, July 2003Portraits of artist Jean-Pierre Sergent at work by Sachie Kumano, LIC Studio, NY, July 2003Portraits of artist Jean-Pierre Sergent at work by Sachie Kumano, LIC Studio, NY, July 2003Portraits of artist Jean-Pierre Sergent at work by Sachie Kumano, LIC Studio, NY, July 2003Portraits of artist Jean-Pierre Sergent at work by Sachie Kumano, LIC Studio, NY, July 2003
- 1 - 17 - Atelier de Montréal au 40-60 St Laurent
- 3, 6, 7 - Photos par Alain Pratt, 1992
- 18 - 63 - Photos de New York, 1994-2003
- 36 - 37 - Photos par François Portmann, Atelier de Chelsea, New-York City, 1996
- 46 - 63 - Photos par Sachie Kumano, atelier de Long Island City, New York, juillet 2003
Au début de sa carrière en France dans sa ferme du Haut-Doubs natal, Jean-Pierre travailla d'abord l'abstraction géométrique colorée sur panneaux d'Isorel et sur toiles, tout en élevant et entraînant des chevaux américains parallèlement à la poursuite de sa carrière artistique. Puis en 1991 à Montréal, il se consacra exclusivement à son art, en continuant son travail d'abstraction Géométrique, tout en commençant à y intégrer des images symboliques par le biais de la technique sérigraphique. Il travailla aussi dans son atelier montréalais en explorant de nombreux nouveaux matériaux industriels comme le Plexiglas (qui deviendra son matériau de prédilection), le cuivre, l'aluminium, le zinc, le plomb, les filets de chantier, les billes de verres, les coupures de presse et les photos jusqu'en 1993, date à laquelle il déménageât son studio à New York. Jean-Pierre vécut et travailla de nombreuses années dans cette ville, dans trois ateliers successifs situés dans divers quartiers new-yorkais : à DUMBO (Brooklyn), à Chelsea (Manhattan) et finalement à Long Island City (Queens), jusqu'à son départ pour la France en 2003. À New York, grâce au dynamisme ambiant et à l'énergie créatrice incroyable de la ville, il a pu développer son style si particulier (sa signature artistique), qui est son concept de Peinture-assemblage composé de peintures sur Plexiglas de modules carrés (1.05 x 1.05 m), qu'il s'est amusé à assembler directement sur le mur, pour créer ainsi d'immenses installations murales.
Un samedi après-midi de juillet 2003, mon ami Sachie Kumano a visité mon atelier pour faire mon portrait. Au départ, je pensais que ce serait une séance de photo typique. Cependant, après avoir pris quelques photos, elle m'a demandé si je pouvais commencer à imprimer ! Je peins depuis plus de vingt ans déjà et je n'ai jamais permis à personne d'être présent pendant que je travaillais. J'ai toujours eu l'impression que la peinture est comme un rituel secret, où quelque chose de magique se produit car il y a toujours un lien avec le monde, l'univers, l'inconscient, les souvenirs et ceux que nous aimons. Je ne me sens jamais seule quand je travaille : il y a toujours une présence spirituelle dans l'atelier. J'avais donc un peu peur de laisser l'énergie de mon processus émerger dans les photographies, mais en même temps j'avais peur qu'elle ne soit pas perçue. Heureusement, je crois que les photos que Sachie a prises ce jour-là, avec beaucoup de respect, sont fidèles à ce qui se passe quand je peins. Je lui suis reconnaissante pour le magnifique travail qu'elle a accompli.
- En prenant des photos, j'ai réalisé à quel point les plus petits détails de la vie quotidienne et tous les moments vécus sont beaux. La photographie m'a rendue reconnaissante envers le monde ainsi que d'être en vie. J'aimerais capturer les moments justes des personnes intégrées dans leur environnement et les choses que nous ressentons intuitivement. Regarder Jean-Pierre absorbé par son travail a été une source d'inspiration. J'espère qu'il sait qu'il ne crée pas seulement son art, mais qu'il est lui-même de l'Art pour moi. Nous sommes tous de l'Art. Sachie Kumano, photographe